We have had a busy March of winter steelheading on the Sandy River. The fish get grabby when the weather warms and all the fish below were taken with a swung fly except for one. The warmer weather and high flows helped us this month. Lots of new fish lately and April can be hot! Will you join us?

March 29th

March 28th

March 27th
with my Dad, Sister, and Bro in law behind the camera.

March 23rd

March 16th
This was a really was a nice fish!

March 15th

March 14th

March 13th

March 8th

March 7th

March 6th

March 3rd
The photos below where on a trip to the Vedder River in BC to kick off our month of March. Paul "the Roadie" and I were guided By April Vokey for the first two days of the month.

March 2nd

March 2nd

March 2nd

March 1st

March 1st
What a busy month! Madness is the only way to describe it. It takes so many thousands of casts to come up with the photo gallery above. There is no way to describe the many opportunities that almost came. The grabs that didn't stick, or the hot fish that came undone mid cartwheel, and the heartbreakers that came right to our feet after a long battle and shook the hook at that last instance. Then there are the days that everything is just off and they just wont grab. Thats what keeps me coming back. That challenge. That madness!