Monday, August 8, 2011

Small Classic Steelhead Flies

Genral Fry
Jock Scott wrote how A.H.E. Woods had great success with the Solar Salmon by sizing down the scale of flies and fishing them in the surface film when the water warmed and the sun shown in the fishes eyes, in his book, Greased line fishing.
Redneck Mudler

Our friend Bill Bakke gave Mia Some of his favorite Steelhead flies for a birthday present. One he called a traffic ticket and the other a wasp. They were on size 8 hooks but tied like they were on a size 10! When Mia first tried these flies years ago she could not keep they steelhead off! We started tying lots of different patterns in really small sizes for our early season summer steelhead go to patterns. 

Steelhead soft hackle

This weekend was another testament to the success of the greased line technique along with a sparse and a small fly fished in the surface film on a floating line. Our favorite patterns have been very lightly dressed muddlers, Golden demons, Steelhead soft hackles, as well Haig Browns General Fry pattern. See the video below we took this weekend: