Anne Tattam

Who knows how many summer Steelhead she has landed. A whole bunch I'm sure. Her PBR fly is one of our favorite Deschutes patterns.
To my surprise her first winter steelhead was landed this April on some secret river not far away. Next she set the bar real high by landing one heck of a huge beast in the Hood!
The hard one is the first one. Since then she has been on a roll and has a super lucky hat as seen below on the Sandy River today:
When not trying to find the best ever biscuts and gravy in the world Anne works at Western River Conservancy, is on the committee chair at Flyfishers Club of Oregon, and is a presenter at the Sandy River Spey Clave.
Back in the swing the last few days on the Sandy:

Ed Ward in a zone.

Jeff Hickman getting one to settle down.