Monday, August 9, 2010

The Hood River Will Run Free

Fantastic news!! Another dam is being removed from Oregon rivers.
July 9, 2010 - The construction of the coffer dam continues. This structure will direct the river into the bypass channel around the dam while it is removed. (Photo by Eric Hansen)

July 23, 2010 - The large pipe on the left is part of the downstream fish passage system, which allows fish to safely pass around the project during construction. The temporary fish ladder in the center allows adult fish to swim upstream past the construction. (Photo by Phil Tennis)

Work began in mid-April of 2010 on the long-awaited decommissioning and removal of Powerdale Dam at river mile 4.3 on the Hood River. Work from now until around November will consist of removing the dam, fish facility, intake structure, power canal, steel flume and sand settling basin at the project’s upstream location. At the moment, all deconstruction work is out of the channel. In water work will only take place during the in-water work window (for fish health and safety) July 1-August 31st. Public access at both the diversion dam and the powerhouse locations on the Hood River will be restricted for the remainder of the decommissioning project to ensure public safety. ( )

August 5, 2010 - Weekly Brothers excavators begin to remove sediment from below the dam. Once the dam is removed, the original channel grade will be restored and the shoreline will be stabilized and revegetated. (Photo by Steve Stampfli).